
Showing posts from March, 2022

Sun in the Desert

You're a wisps of beauty thriving to live in a barren land you had regrown a dying lily make it believe it can live again like an old promise like men in history whatever the sun throws at you you dried it out by yourself you live through times you who had once been the sea manage to survive when other perished and taught me one simple thing nature will take its course so let it be let it die, let it live let it stand for something else.                    -K.D.

Letter to Valentine

 I had waited for you - long before I knew words are right Before silence can speak what you cannot Before I understand that seconds are also long That time, often than not - is inconsolable once lost. I never revered at the abstract quality When I close my eyes to things I cannot see Because I was blind, all that was obvious So I listened from the echoes of still silence.   I surround walls of cobbled stones and trash Rather than carry a brick I can scoop and hurl So I can create a ladder as high as you wall Before then, I will find silence deafening.   I had waited for you - long before I knew you right Before the stillness of words not spoken Ripped and bleed us both like the knife we are I must have look silence, for the blade is blood.                          -K.D.        


 She was clothe in pain and  struggles and that was how her armor was made She was fragility encased in the realm of motherhood and being a wife. She is what the world choose her to be and that is why she is both a woman  and a mother.  - K.D .

Sun and Dusk

I have learned to master the art of shrugging my shoulder when things are not known to me and of staying calm even if storm is approaching.   I have learned that even the sunniest places can bring the most torrential rain that I cannot will the sun to keep shining when it is time for dusk. -K.D.


  I create world in words Built kingdoms in mind And to me, The gardens Are always in bloom. -K.D.

The Hole

  They dig hole so deep; I can see the earth’s crust boiled while the perforated fumes ooze and thousand rusted metal scrap a sudden meltdown. The hole spewed nasty gas I might have brought with me oxygen tanks.  -K.D.

The Spaces In Between

  The relationship of extra-terrestrial life tarry in the brink of multi-faceted dimension. The outstanding Marsian looks aghast on how easy men can lay their hands for brutal kill. While they conquer the vast space to live men are dying to kill themselves with nuclear bombs and weaponry. The earth is a nuclear testing site for headless heads. An alliance a mere spaces in between. -K.D.


  The earth stops tilting for her. The sun never made her look old. Nor the aged year adds up to her age. It is with viral complexity that every strand of her hair stays dark, every angular stance stays strong, every line upon that face forever fresh She stayed at 18, never living the years of prolific youth. And when the last sun dims she will murmur praises like a  quack doctor, offer her blood for everlasting youth that God might see her  little alchemy before the magic unfold. -K.D.